Cloud-based solution also known as SaaS i.e. Software as a Service let users’ access to software apps which works on shared computing resources (ex. Memory, processing power) via net. Computing resources are handled at remote centers dedicated for hosting multiple applications on various platforms.
Cloud-based platform is open platform-as-a-service that delivers in-memory capabilities, special microservices and core platform services for constructing and extending intelligent, mobile enabled cloud applications. The platform is developed to facilitate digital evolution by supporting easy, quick and economic implementation of the needed application without o-premise infrastructure investment.
It refers to software deployment like hosting, but servers are virtualized. A complete solution is provided to users at affordable price. Pricing value is defined with respect to subscription packages and user can switch between them at any time. Enterprise Resource Planning software is accessed over the internet based on could-computing ERP. Technically the only difference between Cloud ERP and on-premises ERP is where software is physically located.
Cloud based solution is beneficial for small and medium-size businesses because it supports access to full-function applications at a reasonable value without a considerable upfront expenditure for software and hardware.